Universal Number 5 Energies and Tarot Spread – Numerology

Posted August 31, 2021 by Hazellie Wong in Tarot and Numerology, Tarot Spreads / 0 Comments

September 2021 is the Universal Month of 5, which is all about change, adventure, freedom, movement.

In a Universal Month of 5, things can get a little chaotic and unstructured. Most plans won’t go accordingly, so allow for some flexibility. It is a time when people are feeling more adventurous, to try new things, experiment, and travel – although I advise caution as we are still in the midst of a pandemic.

This month, allow yourself to be flexible and go with the flow. Plans will tend to not go accordingly, and you will have to adapt. Focus on fun and play this month; let go of expectations and just allow and relax.

Some of the areas we can work on with the Universal Month of 5 energies are:

  • letting go of control
  • learning to be spontaneous and adaptable to unexpected changes
  • experiment with different ways and methods of doing things
  • saying yes to things that scare you
  • working on any addictive or destructive behaviors
  • exercising your adventurous muscles
  • unleashing your inner wildness
  • practicing moderation and temperance
  • getting out of your comfort zone
  • making new friends
  • questioning dogma and societal expectations

You can also use the Number 5 Numerology Tarot Spread below to help you get more clarity on what you can focus on in a Universal Month of 5.

The Spread

This tarot spread is for focusing on the number 5 energies of freedom, adventure, fun and play, going with the flow, and spontaneity. In a universal month or year of 5, it can help you to focus and work on these particular issues, but it can also be helpful any time you want to focus on the number 5 energies.


1. What will flow into my life with the number 5 energies?
2. Which area of my life needs a challenge?
3. Which area of my life needs a change?
4. How do I get myself out of my comfort zone?
5. How do I best manage chaos?
6. How can I bring more fun and play into my life?
7. What new adventures can I look forward to?

I hope you enjoy this spread and that it helps you bring in adventures with the number 5 energies. I would love to hear back from you about how it worked for you if you use it. Please leave a comment below or contact me at mynasmoon@gmail.com to share your experience with this spread with me!

You can now purchase the complete Numerology Tarot Spreads ebook which includes all basic information about the numerological energies, and tarot spreads for numbers 1 to 9 in one convenient 48-page ebook in the shop.

If you are intrigued with how the Universal Year Numbers work and how you can leverage on numerology to create the future you want, you might also want to check out the Charting Your Future with Tarot and Numerology course.

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Hazellie Wong

Hazellie Wong is a professional tarot diviner, numerologist, and spiritual coach. She is also the founder of MynasMoon.com and a certified Master Herbalist. She is a third-generation healer, and is passionate about helping people achieve optimum spiritual and emotional health through spiritual guidance.
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