Finding the Universal and Personal Year Numbers

Posted January 5, 2018 by Hazellie Wong in Numerology Basics / 0 Comments



*The following is an excerpt from Lesson 1 of the
Charting Your Future with Tarot and Numerology course. If you would like to find out more about how you can use the Universal Year Numbers and Personal Year Numbers to discover your life themes, plan ahead, and create the life you want for yourself, please visit this page for more information.


The Universal Year Number

The Universal Year Number, or UYN for short, applies on a global scale to everyone in all the countries that uses our current Gregorian calendar. It is called the Universal Year Number because it because its energies apply universally to everyone and is thus powerful on a global level.

The energies of the Universal Year Number influences most of what will happen in that year, so once you know the Year Number and its meanings, you can prepare for whatever it brings your way.

For example;

In the year 2016, the Universal Year Number is the number 9. The number 9 is a year of endings, leadership, making a difference, and so on. Think back on what was dominantly in the news in 2016. There were an unusually high number of deaths of celebrities, many of them leaders in their field, who had created change or pioneered a certain type of movement. In a manner of speaking, an end to leaders who had made a difference in the world.


Your Personal Year Number

Your Personal Year Number, or PYN for short, is specific to you and is calculated by adding your birth day and month numbers to the current year number. If you’re a tarot practitioner, you may have heard about the Tarot Year Number and may have calculated it for yourself once or twice before. The Tarot Year Number and the Personal Year Number are basically the same thing, but we will be using the term Personal Year Number here.

Your Personal Year Number energies effect you personally, and tells you what you can do – the actions you can take, to get the most out of the year.

Both the Universal Year Number and your Personal Year Number are important in helping you strategize and plan ahead, as your Personal Year Number is influenced by the Universal Year Number’s energies at any given time.

For example;

Let’s say your Personal Year Number in the Year 2016 is the number 2, which relates to relationships and self-care. The Universal Year Number for 2016 is the number 9, which relates to endings.

This means that the year 2016, which is a Universal Year of 9, and your Personal Year of 2, could potentially bring about the end of some of your friendships or relationships.

Knowing the meanings of the Universal Year Number and your Personal Year Number, you would have been able to plan and prepare for the year 2016 by taking some of these actions:

  • Reevaluate your relationships with the people in your life.
  • Spend more time to nurture and connect with the people you cherish and want to keep in your life.
  • Prepare yourself to let go of relationships that are toxic to your well-being.
  • Take extra time for self-care as your relationship with yourself is also worth nurturing.


The above is just a brief example of what we can do with the Universal and Personal Year Numbers. There is much more to learn about what the energies of the numbers mean, what they can bring, and the actions we can take to help us create the life that we want with each coming year.


Finding the Year Numbers

Find the Universal Year Number

The Universal Year Number is calculated by adding the sum of the numbers in the year.

For example, for the year 1980:

1980 = 1 + 9 + 8 + 0 = 18


Reduce it until you get a single digit number.

18 = 1 + 8 = 9


The year 1980 is the Universal Year of 9.

Using the above instructions, you can find the Universal Year Number for any given year.


Find your Personal Year Number

Your Personal Year Number is calculated by adding the sum of your birth day, birth month, and the current year in consideration.

For example, if your birthday is September 25, and the year is 2017:

9 + 25 + 2017 = 2051


Reduce it until you get a single digit number.

2051 = 2 + 0 + 5 + 1 = 8


Your Personal Year Number for 2017 is 8.

Using the above instructions, you can find your Personal Year Number for any given year by adding the sum of the numbers in your birth day, month, and the year in question, and reduce the numbers until you get a single digit.

Once you have found the Universal Year Number and your Personal Year Number, you can find the meanings of the numbers through the keywords below.


Meanings of the Numbers

Number meanings keywords01


I hope the above information is helpful to you in planning your goals and your life ahead. If you would like to learn more about what you can do with the Universal and Personal Year Numbers, please check out the Charting Your Future with Tarot and Numerology course.


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Hazellie Wong

Hazellie Wong is a professional tarot diviner, numerologist, and spiritual coach. She is also the founder of and a certified Master Herbalist. She is a third-generation healer, and is passionate about helping people achieve optimum spiritual and emotional health through spiritual guidance.
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