2016: The Numerology Year of 9 and The Hermit

Posted January 16, 2016 by Hazellie Wong in Tarot and Numerology / 0 Comments


Happy New Year 2016!

Another year has just begun and we are all excited to start anew!

What do you want to achieve this year? What dreams have you put into motion? How will you make 2016 your best year ever?

Whatever plans you’ve made for this year, understanding some basic numerology and tarot information about the year 2016 will help you get the best out of your year.

The Universal Year of 9

2016 is the Universal Year of 9  (2+0+1+6 = 9), and in numerology, the number 9 is a powerful number because it has the energies of all the numbers before it.

It represents humanitarianism, selflessness, helping others in whatever ways you can. You may find yourself being more generous and contributing to charitable causes this year. You may also find more heartwarming stories about good Samaritans and people helping each other going around this year. If you’ve always wanted to volunteer for a good cause, this would be the perfect year to start!

One of the themes of the number 9 is forgiveness. It may be a tough thing to do, but if you’ve been holding on to feelings of anger towards anyone in your life, consider forgiving them this year. Not for them, but for you, so that you can finally let go and move on. You will feel much lighter and happier after that, and you may even be able to mend a few relationships.

A word of caution; the energies of the number 9 can be a little careless and accident-prone, so do make more of an effort to be more alert and aware this year. Have a designated spot for important things like your keys, so that you won’t always be losing them. Leave the house ahead of time so that you’re not rushing in traffic. Focus on one thing at a time so that you won’t absentmindedly forget to send that important document.

The Year of the Hermit


The 9 also represents teachers, leaders, and people who make a difference. In the tarot, the number 9 represents the Hermit, who is seen as a great teacher and guru. If you’ve been wanting to teach, what better way to contribute than to share your knowledge and unique experiences with others this year?

Teaching energies are strong this year, but so are learning and introspection energies. The Hermit represents withdrawing from the world, taking a spiritual journey to look within, to seek enlightenment and wisdom. You may find yourself needing more solitude this year to think and reflect about things.

If you’ve been wanting to do more introspection work or shadow work, this could be the year for you to do so. Carve out at least 10 minutes at the beginning and end of each day for journaling, or take the 20 minutes for meditation. If you have more time, do both.

Take a course on something you’ve been wanting to learn more about, or find a mentor you admire and work with them. You’ll learn and grow so much more with help and guidance from a more experienced teacher.

If you would like to be even more intentional with your 2016, find your Personal Year Number and 2016 Focus Word with this post.

Have a very Happy and Intentional New Year!

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Hazellie Wong

Hazellie Wong is a professional tarot diviner, numerologist, and spiritual coach. She is also the founder of MynasMoon.com and a certified Master Herbalist. She is a third-generation healer, and is passionate about helping people achieve optimum spiritual and emotional health through spiritual guidance.
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